Interprofessional Student Organizations

CHIP works with and supports a wide variety of interprofessional student groups. Each group focuses on a topic of interest across healthcare professions.

Are you interested in getting more involved with CHIP or BeWELL leadership or an interprofessional student organization next year? Below, you will find descriptions of CHIP’s active groups. If any sound interesting to you, please fill out the CHIP Interest Form and staff can get you connected to the student leaders. Whether you’d like to take on a board leadership role or simply get on a group’s email list to hear about upcoming events, they’d love to hear from you! 

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CHIP Executive Council (CHIP Exec)

CHIP Exec Logo

The CHIP Executive Council is CHIP's governing student body and is comprised of students from each health professional program. Through this organization you’ll have the opportunity to strengthen your relationships with students in other programs, discuss student concerns, plan interprofessional events, support CHIP’s Care Corner, and have fun in the process!

Learn more about CHIP Exec & Find your Representative

[email protected]  
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CLARION (CLinician Administrator Relationship Improvement OrganizatioN)



The Clinician Administrator Relationship Improvement OrganizatioN (CLARION) creates experiences for health professional students at the University of Minnesota and beyond that focus on professional development and include lessons in leadership, teamwork, communication, analytical reasoning, conflict-resolution, and business practices. Participation in CLARION's case competitions will lead students to a more sophisticated understanding of the healthcare system(s) in which they will practice.


Learn more about CLARION

[email protected] 
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Health Sciences Arts Advisory Board (HSAAB)

Community Arts @ Health Sciences Graphic


The Health Sciences Arts Advisory Board (HSAAB) is an interprofessional student organization that exists to inspire and enable members of our community to engage with art and with each other, while highlighting the impactful ways that art and science inform one another. 

Learn more about HSAAB

[email protected]

Health Student for a Healthy Climate (HSHC)

HSHC Logo - tree

HSHC is a group of health professional students who seek an interdisciplinary forum to learn about the health impacts of climate change and ways to lead action as future healthcare professionals. In this organization, you’ll get the opportunity to participate in advocacy events and meet leaders in climate justice. 

Learn more about HSHC

[email protected]
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BIPOC Health Professional Student Collective (BIPOC HPSC)

BIPOC Collective Logo, individuals holding hands

The BIPOC Health Professional Student Collective is not only a space to gather around a shared identity, but also an opportunity to focus on ways to make sustainable change that addresses systemic racism. All BIPOC identified health professional students are welcome to this group. We encourage white health professional student allies to explore other pathways that focus on healthcare equity and racial justice in support of your BIPOC peers. 

Learn more about BIPOC HPSC

[email protected]

International Healthcare Career Advancement Network (IHCAN)

International Healthcare Career Advancement Network

IHCAN exists to support international students enrolled in health professional programs by providing them with valuable resources related to status, employment, and career development. The group's goal is to help create opportunities for international health science students to collaborate on diverse teams, foster cultural awareness, and eliminate barriers to success. Together, the group aims to enhance the overall well-being of our international health professional student community.

Interprofessional Student-Parent Community Advisory Board (ISPC Advisory Board)


While CHIP is committed to offering student-parent programming for health science students regardless of the ability of student-parents to organize these events, we also recognized, with student input, the importance of student voice guiding the programming itself. The ISPC Advisory Board acts as a liaison between the broader Interprofessional Student-Parent Community and CHIP staff; they provide input on ISPC programming and lead the facilitation/planning of events as they are able.

Learn more about ISPC 

[email protected]

Interprofessional Health Sciences Student Garden (IP Garden)

IP Garden Logo

The IP Student Garden is tasked with maintaining and sustaining a garden near the Mayo/PWB buildings and facilitating interprofessional connections through gardening. This initiative grew out of a student survey that revealed gardening is a highly preferred activity by students seeking to promote their wellbeing. 

Learn more about the IP Garden

[email protected]

Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School (IHI)

IHI Logo

The UMN IHI Chapter allows graduate health professional students to work on interdisciplinary teams to gain exposure to quality improvement. Students are mentored by QI professionals and work on projects that have a direct impact on patients and employees within the local healthcare systems. 

Learn more about IHI

[email protected] 
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Nutrition Experiential Learning and Advocacy (NELA)

NELA Logo, Heart made of fruit and vegetables

NELA advocates for increased nutritional information in healthcare curriculum and conducts outreach to schools about taking an interprofessional approach to nutrition. Their main mission is to promote health awareness, wellness, and nutrition education using a cultural framework

Learn more about NELA

[email protected] 
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Promoting Recognition of Identity, Dignity, and Equality (PRIDE) in Healthcare

PRIDE in Healthcare Logo

PRIDE in Healthcare aims to improve healthcare for LGBTQ+ persons, increase quality and quantity of LGBTQ+ content in healthcare education, raise awareness of LGBTQ+ health disparities, and provide a social forum for LGBTQ+/allied students/ professionals in the health sciences.

Learn more about PRIDE in Healthcare

[email protected]
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Public-Health Advocacy Student Alliance (PHASA)


PHASA empowers students to improve health disparities through policy and advocacy measures. To do so, PHASA hosts education sessions on public health topics, facilitates community engagement opportunities, collaborates with professionals to influence policy, and shares up-to-date information about how to get involved in advocacy opportunities


Learn more about PHASA

[email protected] 
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Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA)


SNPhA is an educational service association of health professional students who are concerned about the pharmacy profession, issues in healthcare, and underrepresented groups in these areas. The purpose of SNPhA is to plan, organize, coordinate, and implement programming geared toward the improvement of health, educational, and social environments of underserved and minority communities.


Learn more about SNPhA!

[email protected]


Zoobiquity Logo - animal paw and human hand connecting

Zoobiquity works to foster interprofessional communication, collaboration, and learning among students in different health professions about what is shared between human and animal medicine. Zoobiquity stimulates future health professionals to ask, “do animals get ___? Do people get ___?” and generates unique perspectives for any career in the healthcare community. 

Learn more about Zoobiquity

[email protected]

Resources for Student Organizations

Student Union & Activities
Professional Student Government